Category Archives: Planet Ubuntu


Happy new year!

2023 was quite the busy year for me with a lot of changes to get used to, the biggest of which being my departure from Canonical and going self-employed.

While I don’t expect 2024 to be quite as exciting (and that’s a good thing), I certainly expect it to be busy! Here are some of what I look forward to in 2024:

Growing the Incus user base

Incus has been quickly picking up new users over the past few things, mostly thanks to the great work of our packagers as we now have proper packages and installations instructions for Arch, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, NixOS and Ubuntu with more coming soon!

It’s also easier than ever for folks using MacOS or Windows to interact with remote Incus servers thanks to Homebrew, Chocolatey and now WinGet packages.

We’re also starting recurring Incus Users meetings as a way to gather more valuable feedback for the development team as well as connecting users together!

Also worth noting for anyone still using LXD. We’ve started the process of phasing out access to the Linux Containers image server for LXD users. It’s something we’re doing pretty carefully and spread over a number of months, focusing on those users who have an easy migration path first.


FOSDEM 2024 is now just a month away and I’m very much looking forward to catching up with everyone! It’s going to be a busy weekend with us running both the Containers (Saturday) and Kernel (Sunday) devrooms, but I’m excited about all the great talks!

Schedule for containers devroom
Schedule for kernel devroom

We’re going to have Aleksandr, Christian, Tycho and myself representing LXC, LXCFS and Incus over there.

Incus LTS

As mentioned, Incus has seen a lot of interest lately and has picked up a pretty sizable user base already. But a lot more users and Linux distributions are waiting for a Long Term Support release to come out so they can use standardize on something that’s not quite as fast paced.

That’s going to happen towards the end of March or early April with the release of Incus 6.0 LTS.

The version comes as we always align all the LXC LTS projects during an LTS release, so we’ll be releasing LXC 6.0 LTS, LXCFS 6.0 LTS and Incus 6.0 LTS around the same time, with 5 years of security update across all of them, 2 years of which will see bugfixes and minor improvements also be included.

LPC 2024

In the second half of the year, we’ll be gathering in Vienna this time for the annual Linux Plumbers Conference where I hope we’ll have another edition of the containers micro-conference.

This is always a great opportunity to catch up in person with other low-level Linux developers and working together on exciting new kernel and userspace features.

Of particular interest to me is the continued work on improving user namespaces, VFS idmap mounts and new ways to handle resources limits in containers and CGroups.

Posted in Incus, Planet Ubuntu, Zabbly | Leave a comment

Announcing Incus 0.4

Just as we’re wrapping up 2023, one last Incus release!

Incus 0.4 is now out, including keepalive support in the command line tool, improved certificate management, new OVN configuration keys and the ability to create CephFS filesystems directly through Incus!

This is going to be the last release of Incus to benefit from any of the work that goes into Canonical LXD as their decision to re-license will be preventing us from taking in any additional fixes or improvements. You’ll find details about that in one of my previous posts.

Related to that change, we’ve made the decision to progressively phase out access to the Linux Containers image server for those users still on Canonical LXD. You’ll find details about the motivations and timeline for this change here.

The full announcement and changelog can be found here.
And for those who prefer videos, here’s the release overview video:

Finally just a quick reminder that my company is offering commercial support on Incus, ranging from by-the-hour support contracts to one-off services on things like initial migration from LXD, review of your deployment to squeeze the most out of Incus or even feature sponsorship.
You’ll find all details of that here:

Donations towards my work on this and other open source projects is also always appreciated, you can find me on Github Sponsors, Patreon and Ko-fi.

Enjoy the holidays and see you all in 2024!

Posted in Incus, LXD, Planet Ubuntu, Zabbly | Leave a comment

Schedule for the containers and kernel devrooms at FOSDEM 2024

It’s been a busy week for the organizers of both the containers and kernel devrooms at FOSDEM 2024!

We received just under 100 submissions in total which had to be individually reviewed and voted on by our team of 8 volunteers. Then came the usual fun of checking that all speakers can still come to FOSDEM and finally finding room on the schedule for the selected talks!

This year, FOSDEM switched platform from the old and dated Pentabarf over to Pretalx, while we obviously hit a number of odd edge cases and issues, the overall experience was a massive improvement. Voting and scheduling could all be done intuitively directly in the platform instead of having to rely on data export and spreadsheets!

And so, after a few days of voting and scheduling, I present to you the schedules for the containers and kernel devrooms at FOSDEM!

Containers (Saturday 3rd of February 2024)


Kernel (Sunday 4th of February 2024)


See you in Brussels!

Thanks to everyone who submitted talks to either of the devrooms and thanks to everyone who helped review and vote on those submissions!

I look forward to seeing you all in Brussels at the beginning of February!

Posted in Conferences, Planet Ubuntu | Leave a comment

LXD now re-licensed and under a CLA

The facts

As of earlier today, right before the release of LXD 5.20, Canonical made a couple of changes to LXD which are sure to have a serious impact to LXD users and downstream projects that integrate with LXD or provide solutions based on it.

The first is the re-licensing of LXD from the Apache 2.0 license to the AGPLv3 license.
This happened in:

The second is the addition of the Canonical CLA as requirement for all further contributions.
This happened in:


What’s below is my personal analysis of the situation, it is not legal advice, anyone affected is very strongly encouraged to seek proper legal advice from their counsel.

Real license of LXD

Per the commit message performing the re-licensing, all further contributions will be under the AGPLv3 license and all contributions from Canonical employees have been re-licensed to AGPLv3.

However, Canonical does not own the copyright on any contribution from non-employees, such as the many changes they have imported from Incus over the past few months. Those therefore remain under the Apache 2.0 license that they were contributed under.

As a result, LXD is now under a weird mix of Apache 2.0 and AGPLv3 with no clear metadata indicating what file or what part of each file is under one license or the other.

This is likely to make it very “fun” for anyone performing licensing reviews to evaluate LXD for adoption in their environment.

Impact to LXD users

For LXD users, other than potentially triggering corporate policies that ban the use of AGPLv3 software (more common than one may think), the impact should be minimal. It’s still the same LXD and it’s still open source software.

However, if you were altering LXD in any way, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the AGPLv3 license as unlike Apache 2.0, it does require any changes be made available under the AGPLv3 even if you don’t expose your users to your modified binaries. This is the main design characteristics of the AGPLv3 license, it was meant to force those operating modified versions of open source as a hosted service to share their modifications.

Impact to downstreams (consumer of LXD Go packages)

Up until now, all the Go packages of LXD were under the Apache 2.0 license, that was fitting quite well in the Go ecosystem where the Apache 2.0, BSDs and MIT licenses are very popular.

Now with this change, you need to realize that you may start to include/bundle AGPLv3 code within your own project. This a copyleft license and so may require re-licensing of your own project to comply with it.

Again, this is quite the can of worms, with my usual recommendation being “stay away”, but if you must use any of LXD’s Go packages, I’d strongly recommend talking to a lawyer to fully understand your exposure to that new license.

Impact on Incus

Now for what obviously impacts me the most, what this is going to do to Incus.

As a brief reminder Incus is a fork of LXD which was started in August 2023.
So far, it’s been tracking LXD changes, applying those that make sense and otherwise fixing bugs and making improvements of its own, as most forks do.

This change from Canonical is going to be causing two unfortunate side effects:

  • Incus will no longer be including changes originating from LXD as that would require us to include AGPLv3 code into our codebase and so get us into the same mixed license mess as LXD now put itself. This is obviously unacceptable to us, we very much like licensing clarity and quite enjoy the Apache 2.0 license.
  • LXD will similarly no longer be able to take changes from Incus, as those are going to remain under the Apache 2.0 license and more importantly, will not have been released under the Canonical CLA.

To enforce that second part, the tooling we’ve been using thus far to monitor LXD changes and automatically backport them to Incus will be used to detect any changes to LXD which originated from Incus. Unless the author gave express consent for them to be released under a different license and under the Canonical CLA, those changes should not be included in LXD.

Incus is also a consumer of the LXD Go API in the lxd-to-incus tool. Thankfully, we have no need for anything recent in there, so will simply be making sure that we never import code past the licensing change.


Overall, I’m very disappointed, although absolutely not surprised in seeing this change happen.
It’s certainly going to be quite annoying for Incus, and I suspect this is the whole point of it.

But it’s also a very odd move by Canonical as it puts LXD into a problematic grey area as far as its true license is concerned which will likely seriously hurt its adoption both by companies and distributions.

In any case, I’d urge anyone who has concerns about this change to reach out to their legal representation and maybe consider switching over to Incus where we will happily keep releasing our CLA-free Apache 2.0 licensed fork of this once great project.

Update (2023/12/12)

I’ve seen a number of people point out that Apache 2.0 is compatible with the AGPLv3 and that’s certainly correct, however compatibility doesn’t mean that the code in question suddenly becomes AGPLv3, it means that it can be included in an AGPLv3 project. So I’d still expect there to be good tracking of the license of the individual files / code chunks so that someone can tell whether a particular piece of code is AGPLv3 or Apache 2.0, this is currently not possible.

The code mentions headers (probably SPDX) to be present whenever code isn’t AGPLv3, but no such headers were introduced at time of writing.

The announcement also very specifically spells out that past contributions are not being re-licensed and therefore remain under the Apache 2.0 license, though again, there is currently no way to identify what contributions that is. So this still leads to LXD now being a mix of AGPLv3 and Apache 2.0 with no way to figure out which is which.

All that’s known for sure is that all new contributions are to be under AGPLv3 and must be from copyright holders (author or employer) who has signed the Canonical CLA. Those two will preclude the inclusion of any Incus code in LXD moving forward.

Update (2023/12/14)

Canonical now seems to be trying to get around the fact that Incus isn’t AGPLv3 by marking the code they import from us as Apache 2.0 in the commit message. While this is definitely fine from a licensing standpoint given the compatibility between AGPLv3 and Apache 2.0 license, it still violates their requirement that all new contributions be under the Canonical CLA.

Posted in Incus, Planet Ubuntu, Zabbly | 11 Comments

Announcing Incus 0.3

Another month, another Incus release!
Incus 0.3 is now out, featuring OpenFGA support, a lot of improvements to our migration tool and support for hot-plug/hot-remove of shared paths in virtual machines.

The full announcement and changelog can be found here.
And for those who prefer videos, here’s the release overview video:

Finally just a quick reminder that my company is now offering commercial support on Incus, ranging from by-the-hour support contracts to one-off services on things like initial migration from LXD, review of your deployment to squeeze the most out of Incus or even feature sponsorship.
You’ll find all details of that here:

Donations towards my work on this and other open source projects is also always appreciated, you can find me on Github Sponsors, Patreon and Ko-fi.

Posted in Incus, Planet Ubuntu, Zabbly | Leave a comment