Category Archives: LXC

LXC 1.0: Your second container [2/10]

This is post 2 out of 10 in the LXC 1.0 blog post series.

More templates

So at this point you should have a working Ubuntu container that’s called “p1” and was created using the default template called simply enough “ubuntu”.

But LXC supports much more than just standard Ubuntu. In fact, in current upstream git (and daily PPA), we support Alpine Linux, Alt Linux, Arch Linux, busybox, CentOS, Cirros, Debian, Fedora, OpenMandriva, OpenSUSE, Oracle, Plamo, sshd, Ubuntu Cloud and Ubuntu.

All of those can usually be found in /usr/share/lxc/templates. They also all typically have extra advanced options which you can get to by passing “--help” after the “lxc-create” call (the “--” is required to split “lxc-create” options from the template’s).

Writing extra templates isn’t too difficult, they basically are executables (all shell scripts but that’s not a requirement) which take a set of standard arguments and are expected to produce a working rootfs in the path that’s passed to them.

One thing to be aware of is that due to missing tools not all distros can be bootstrapped on all distros. It’s usually best to just try. We’re always interested in making those work on more distros even if that means using some rather weird tricks (like is done in the fedora template) so if you have a specific combination which doesn’t work at the moment, patches are definitely welcome!

Anyway, enough talking for now, let’s go ahead and create an Oracle Linux container that we’ll force to be 32bit.

sudo lxc-create -t oracle -n p2 -- -a i386

On most systems, this will initially fail, telling you to install the “rpm” package first which is needed for bootstrap reasons. So install it and “yum” and then try again.

After some time downloading RPMs, the container will be created, then it’s just a:

sudo lxc-start -n p2

And you’ll be greated by the Oracle Linux login prompt (root / root).

At that point since you started the container without passing “-d” to “lxc-start”, you’ll have to shut it down to get your shell back (you can’t detach from a container which wasn’t started initially in the background).

Now if you are wondering why Ubuntu has two templates. The Ubuntu template which I’ve been using so far does a local bootstrap using “debootstrap” basically building your container from scratch, whereas the Ubuntu Cloud template (ubuntu-cloud) downloads a pre-generated cloud image (identical to what you’d get on EC2 or other cloud services) and starts it. That image also includes cloud-init and supports the standard cloud metadata.

It’s a matter of personal choice which you like best. I personally have a local mirror so the “ubuntu” template is much faster for me and I also trust it more since I know everything was downloaded from the archive in front of me and assembled locally on my machine.

One last note on templates. Most of them use a local cache, so the initial bootstrap of a container for a given arch will be slow, any subsequent one will just be a local copy from the cache and will be much faster.


So what if you want to start a container automatically at boot time?

Well, that’s been supported for a long time in Ubuntu and other distros by using some init scripts and symlinks in /etc, but very recently (two days ago), this has now been implemented cleanly upstream.

So here’s how auto-started containers work nowadays:

As you may know, each container has a configuration file typically under
/var/lib/lxc/<container name>/config

That file is key = value with the list of valid keys being specified in lxc.conf(5).

The startup related values that are available are:

  • = 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)
  • lxc.start.delay = 0 (delay in second to wait after starting the container)
  • lxc.start.order = 0 (priority of the container, higher value means starts earlier)
  • = group1,group2,group3,… (groups the container is a member of)

When your machine starts, an init script will ask “lxc-autostart” to start all containers of a given group (by default, all containers which aren’t in any) in the right order and waiting the specified time between them.

To illustrate that, edit /var/lib/lxc/p1/config and append those lines to the file: = 1 = ubuntu

And /var/lib/lxc/p2/config and append those lines: = 1
lxc.start.delay = 5
lxc.start.order = 100

Doing that means that only the p2 container will be started at boot time (since only those without a group are by default), the order value won’t matter since it’s alone and the init script will wait 5s before moving on.

You may check what containers are automatically started using “lxc-ls”:

stgraber@castiana:~$ sudo lxc-ls --fancy
NAME    STATE    IPV4        IPV6                                    AUTOSTART     
p1      RUNNING  2607:f2c0:f00f:2751:216:3eff:feb1:4c7f  YES (ubuntu)
p2      RUNNING  2607:f2c0:f00f:2751:216:3eff:fe3a:f1c1  YES

Now you can also manually play with those containers using the “lxc-autostart” command which let’s you start/stop/kill/reboot any container marked with

For example, you could do:

sudo lxc-autostart -a

Which will start any container that has (ignoring the value) which in our case means it’ll first start p2 (because of order = 100), then wait 5s (because of delay = 5) and then start p1 and return immediately afterwards.

If at that point you want to reboot all containers that are in the “ubuntu” group, you may do:

sudo lxc-autostart -r -g ubuntu

You can also pass “-L” with any of those commands which will simply print which containers would be affected and what the delays would be but won’t actually do anything (useful to integrate with other scripts).

Freezing your containers

Sometimes containers may be running daemons that take time to shutdown or restart, yet you don’t want to run the container because you’re not actively using it at the time.

In such cases, “sudo lxc-freeze -n <container name>” can be used. That very simply freezes all the processes in the container so they won’t get any time allocated by the scheduler. However the processes will still exist and will still use whatever memory they used to.

Once you need the service again, just call “sudo lxc-unfreeze -n <container name>” and all the processes will be restarted.


As you may have noticed in the configuration file while you were setting the auto-start settings, LXC has a relatively flexible network configuration.
By default in Ubuntu we allocate one “veth” device per container which is bridged into a “lxcbr0” bridge on the host on which we run a minimal dnsmasq dhcp server.

While that’s usually good enough for most people. You may want something slightly more complex, such as multiple network interfaces in the container or passing through physical network interfaces, … The details of all of those options are listed in lxc.conf(5) so I won’t repeat them here, however here’s a quick example of what can be done. = veth = 00:16:3e:3a:f1:c1 = up = lxcbr0 = eth0 = veth = virbr0 = virt0 = phys = eth2 = eth1

With this setup my container will have 3 interfaces, eth0 will be the usual veth device in the lxcbr0 bridge, eth1 will be the host’s eth2 moved inside the container (it’ll disappear from the host while the container is running) and virt0 will be another veth device in the virbr0 bridge on the host.

Those last two interfaces don’t have a mac address or network flags set, so they’ll get a random mac address at boot time (non-persistent) and it’ll be up to the container to bring the link up.


Provided you are running a sufficiently recent kernel, that is 3.8 or higher, you may use the “lxc-attach” tool. It’s most basic feature is to give you a standard shell inside a running container:

sudo lxc-attach -n p1

You may also use it from scripts to run actions in the container, such as:

sudo lxc-attach -n p1 -- restart ssh

But it’s a lot more powerful than that. For example, take:

sudo lxc-attach -n p1 -e -s 'NETWORK|UTSNAME'

In that case, you’ll get a shell that says “root@p1” (thanks to UTSNAME), running “ifconfig -a” from there will list the container’s network interfaces. But everything else will be that of the host. Also passing “-e” means that the cgroup, apparmor, … restrictions won’t apply to any processes started from that shell.

This can be very useful at times to spawn a software located on the host but inside the container’s network or pid namespace.

Passing devices to a running container

It’s great being able to enter and leave the container at will, but what about accessing some random devices on your host?

By default LXC will prevent any such access using the devices cgroup as a filtering mechanism. You could edit the container configuration to allow the right additional devices and then restart the container.

But for one-off things, there’s also a very convenient tool called “lxc-device”.
With it, you can simply do:

sudo lxc-device add -n p1 /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyS0

Which will add (mknod) /dev/ttyS0 in the container with the same type/major/minor as /dev/ttyUSB0 and then add the matching cgroup entry allowing access from the container.

The same tool also allows moving network devices from the host to within the container.

Posted in Canonical voices, LXC, Planet Ubuntu | Tagged | 32 Comments

LXC 1.0: Your first Ubuntu container [1/10]

This is post 1 out of 10 in the LXC 1.0 blog post series.

So what’s LXC?

Most of you probably already know the answer to that one, but here it goes:

“LXC is a userspace interface for the Linux kernel containment features.
Through a powerful API and simple tools, it lets Linux users easily create and manage system or application containers.”

I’m one of the two upstream maintainers of LXC along with Serge Hallyn.
The project is quite actively developed with milestones every month and a stable release coming up in February. It’s so far been developed by 67 contributors from a wide range of backgrounds and companies.

The project is mostly developed on github:
We have a website at:
And mailing lists at:

LXC 1.0

So what’s that 1.0 release all about?

Well, simply put it’s going to be the first real stable release of LXC and the first we’ll be supporting for 5 years with bugfix releases. It’s also the one which will be included in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to be released in April 2014.

It’s also going to come with a stable API and a set of bindings, quite a few interesting new features which will be detailed in the next few posts and support for a wide range of host and guest distributions (including Android).

How to get it?

I’m assuming most of you will be using Ubuntu. For the next few posts, I’ll myself be using the current upstream daily builds on Ubuntu 14.04 but we maintain daily builds on 12.04, 12.10, 13.04, 13.10 and 14.04, so if you want the latest upstream code, you can use our PPA.

Alternatively, LXC is also directly in Ubuntu and quite usable since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. You can choose to use the version which comes with whatever release you are on, or you can use one the backported version we maintain.

If you want to build it yourself, you can do (not recommended when you can simply use the packages for your distribution):

git clone git://
cd lxc
# You will probably want to run the configure script with --help and then set the paths
sudo make install

What about that first container?

Oh right, that was actually the goal of this post wasn’t it?

Ok, so now that you have LXC installed, hopefully using the Ubuntu packages, it’s really as simple as:

# Create a "p1" container using the "ubuntu" template and the same version of Ubuntu
# and architecture as the host. Pass "-- --help" to list all available options.
sudo lxc-create -t ubuntu -n p1

# Start the container (in the background)
sudo lxc-start -n p1 -d

# Enter the container in one of those ways## Attach to the container's console (ctrl-a + q to detach)
sudo lxc-console -n p1

## Spawn bash directly in the container (bypassing the console login), requires a >= 3.8 kernel
sudo lxc-attach -n p1

## SSH into it
sudo lxc-info -n p1
ssh ubuntu@<ip from lxc-info>

# Stop the container in one of those ways
## Stop it from within
sudo poweroff

## Stop it cleanly from the outside
sudo lxc-stop -n p1

## Kill it from the outside
sudo lxc-stop -n p1 -k

And there you go, that’s your first container. You’ll note that everything usually just works on Ubuntu. Our kernels have support for all the features that LXC may use and our packages setup a bridge and a DHCP server that the containers will use by default.
All of that is obviously configurable and will be covered in the coming posts.

Posted in Canonical voices, LXC, Planet Ubuntu | Tagged | 28 Comments

LXC 1.0: Blog post series [0/10]

So it’s almost the end of the year, I’ve got about 10 days of vacation for the holidays and a bit of time on my hands.

Since I’ve been doing quite a bit of work on LXC lately in prevision for the LXC 1.0 release early next year, I thought that it’d be a good use of some of that extra time to blog about the current state of LXC.

As a result, I’m preparing a series of 10 blog posts covering what I think are some of the most exciting features of LXC. The planned structure is:

While they are all titled LXC 1.0, most of the things I’ll be showing will work just as well on older LXC. However some of the features will need a very very recent version of LXC (as in, current upstream git). I’ll try to make that clear and will explain how to use our stable backports in Ubuntu or current upstream snapshots from our PPA.

I’ll be updating this first blog post with links to all of the posts in the series. So if you want to bookmark or refer to these, please use this post.

Posted in Canonical voices, LXC, Planet Ubuntu | Tagged | 42 Comments

Running Steam in a LXC container

Anyone who met me probably knows that I like to run everything in containers.

A couple of weeks ago, I was attending the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen, DK where I demoed how to run OpenGL code from within an LXC container. At that same UDS, all attendees also received a beta key for Steam on Linux.

Yesterday I finally received said key by e-mail and I’ve been experimenting with Steam a bit. Now, my laptop is running the development version of Ubuntu 13.04 and only has 64bit binaries. Steam is 32bit-only and Valve recommends running it on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

So I just spent a couple of hours writing a tool called steam-lxc which uses LXC’s new python API and a bunch more python magic to generate an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bit container, install everything that’s needed to run Steam, then install Steam itself and configures some tricks to get direct GPU access and access to pulseaudio for sound.

All in all, it only takes 3 minutes for the script to setup everything I need to run Steam and then start it.

Here’s a (pretty boring) screencast of the script in action:

This script has only been tested with Intel hardware on Ubuntu 13.04 64bit at this point, but the PPA contains builds for Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 12.10 too.

To get it on your machine just do:

  • sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-lxc/stable
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get install steam-lxc
  • sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/lxc /var/cache/lxc

Then once that’s all installed, set it up with sudo steam-lxc create. This can take somewhere from 5 minutes to an hour depending on your internet connection.

And once the environment is all setup, you can start steam with sudo steam-lxc run.

The code can be found at:

You can leave your feedback as comment here and if you want to improve the script, merge proposals are more than welcome.
I don’t have any hardware requiring proprietary drivers but I’d expect steam to fail on such hardware as the drivers won’t get properly installed in the container. Adding code to deal with those is pretty easy and I’d love to get some patches for that!

Have fun!

Posted in Canonical voices, Conferences, LXC, Planet Ubuntu | Tagged | 37 Comments

Edubuntu: The path to 14.04 LTS

(tl;dr: Edubuntu 14.04 will include a new Edubuntu Server and Edubuntu tablet edition with a lot of cool new features including a full feature Active Directory compatible domain.)

Now that Edubuntu 12.10 is out the door and the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Copenhagen is just a week away, I thought it’d be an appropriate time to share our vision for Edubuntu 14.04.

This was so far only discussed in person with Jonathan Carter and a bit on IRC with other Edubuntu developers but I think it’s time to make our plans a bit more visible so we can get more feedback and hopefully get interested people together next week at UDS.

There are three big topics I’d like to talk about. Edubuntu desktop, Edubuntu server and Edubuntu tablet.

Edubuntu desktop

Edubuntu desktop is what we’ve been offering since the first Edubuntu release and what we’ll obviously continue to offer pretty much as it’s today.
It’s not an area I plan on spending much time working on personally but I expect Jonathan to drive most of the work around this.

Basically what the Edubuntu desktop needs nowadays is a better application selection, better testing, better documentation, making sure our application selection works on all our supported platforms and is properly translated.

We’ll also have to refocus some of our efforts and will likely drop some things like our KDE desktop package that hasn’t been updated in years and was essentially doubling our maintenance work which is why we stopped supporting it officially in 12.04.

There are a lot of cool new tools we’ve heard of recently and that really should be packaged and integrated in Edubuntu.

Edubuntu Server

Edubuntu Server will be a new addition to the Edubuntu project, expected to ship in its final form in 14.04 and will be supported for 5 years as part of the LTS.

This is the area I’ll be spending most of my Edubuntu time on as it’s going to be using a lot of technologies I’ve been involved with over the years to offer what I hope will be an amazing server experience.

Edubuntu Server will essentially let you manage a network of Edubuntu, Ubuntu or Windows clients by creating a full featured domain (using samba4).

From the same install DVD as Edubuntu Desktop, you’ll be able to simply choose to install a new Edubuntu Server and create a new domain, or if you already have an Edubuntu domain or even an Active Directory domain, you’ll be able to join an extra server to add extra scalibility or high-availability.

On top of that core domain feature, you’ll be able to add extra roles to your Edubuntu Server, the initial list is:

  • Web hosting platform – Will let you deploy new web services using JuJu so schools in your district or individual teachers can easily get their own website.
  • File server – A standard samba3 file server so all your domain members can easily store and retrieve files.
  • Backup server – Will automatically backup the important data from your servers and if you wish, from your clients too.
  • Schooltool – A school management web service, taking care of all the day to day school administration.

LTSP will also be part of that system as part of Edubuntu Terminal Server which will let you, still from our single install media, install as many new terminal servers as you want, automatically joining the domain, using the centralized authentication, file storage and backup capabilities of your Edubuntu Server.

As I mentioned, the Edubuntu DVD will let you install Edubuntu Desktop, Edubuntu Server and Edubuntu Terminal Server. You’ll simply be asked at installation time whether you want to join an Edubuntu Server or Active Directory domain or if you want your machine to be standalone.

Once installed, Edubuntu Server will be managed through a web interface driving LXC behind the scene to deploy new services, upgrade individual services or deploy new web services using JuJu.
Our goal is to have Edubuntu Server offer an appliance-like experience, never requiring any command line access to the system and easily supporting upgrades from a version to another.

For those wondering what the installation process will look like, I have some notes of the changes available at:
I’m expecting to have the installer changes implemented by the time we start building our first 13.04 images.

The rest of Edubuntu Server will be progressively landing during the 13.04 cycle with an early version of the system being released with Edubuntu 13.04, possibly with only a limited selection of roles and without initial support for multiple servers and Active Directory integration.

While initially Edubuntu branded, our hope is that this work will be re-usable by Ubuntu and may one day find its way into Ubuntu Server.
Doing this as part of Edubuntu will give us more time and more flexibility to get it right, build a community around it and get user feedback before we try to get the rest of the world to use it too.

Edubuntu Tablet

During the Edubuntu 12.10 development cycle, the Edubuntu Council approved the sponsorship of 5 tablets by Revolution Linux which were distributed to some of our developers.

We’ve been doing daily armhf builds of Edubuntu, refined our package selections to properly work on ARM and spent countless hours fighting to get our tablet to boot (a ZaTab from ZaReason).
Even though it’s been quite a painful experience so far, we’re still planning on offering a supported armhf tablet image for 14.04, running something very close to our standard Edubuntu Desktop and also featuring integration with Edubuntu Server.

With all the recent news about Ubuntu on the Nexus 7, we’ll certainly be re-discussing what our main supported platform will be during next week’s UDS but we’re certainly planning on releasing 13.04 with experimental tablet support.

LTS vs non-LTS

For those who read our release announcement or visited our website lately, you certainly noticed the emphasis on using the LTS releases.
We really think that most Edubuntu users want something that’s stable, very well tested with regular updates and a long support time, so we’re now always recommending the use of the latest LTS release.

That doesn’t mean we’ll stop doing non-LTS release like the Mythbuntu folks recently decided to do, pretty far from that. What it means however is that we’ll more freely experiment in non-LTS releases so we can easily iterate through our ideas and make sure we release something well polished and rock solid for our LTS releases.


I’m really really looking forward to Edubuntu 14.04. I think the changes we’re planning will help our users a lot and will make it easier than ever to get school districts and individual schools to switch to Edubuntu for both their backend infrastructure with Edubuntu Server and their clients with Edubuntu Desktop and Edubuntu Tablet.

Now all we need is your ideas and if you have some, your time to make it all happen. We usually hang out in on freenode and can also be contacted on the edubuntu-devel mailing-list.

For those of you going to UDS, we’ll try to get an informational session on Edubuntu Server scheduled on top of our usual Edubuntu session. If you’re there and want to know more or want to help, please feel free to grab Jonathan or I in the hallway, at the bar or at one of the evening activities.

Posted in Canonical voices, Conferences, Edubuntu, LTSP, LXC, Planet Ubuntu | 10 Comments