On Tuesday the 12nd of January, the Edubuntu project will have its first bug day for the Lucid development cycle.

It’ll be coordinated by Scott Balneaves, our dear LTSP developer, Sabayon developer and most recently Edubuntu council member. The event will take place all day in #edubuntu on irc.freenode.net.
At least Jonathan Carter and I will also be around during that day (as part of our work for Revolution Linux).
We will help these interested in looking for education software bugs in the most recent daily image and confirm/close the various bugs we have on Launchpad.
It’s also a very good opportunity for everyone interested in Edubuntu to come and discuss in #edubuntu.
The announcement from Scott can be found here, bug suggestions can be sent to the Mailing-List.
Looking forward to talking to you in #edubuntu.