Category Archives: gbtsco

Deprecated tool that was used to configure Bluetooth SCO (headsets) on Gnome. It’s now superseded by bluez and the gnome sound configuration.

Bluetooth headset support past and future

First, sorry for not posting about gbtsco and Ubuntu Hardy or answering your comments.

As some of you may know I wrote a software called gbtsco a while ago (feisty or gutsy) that was acting as a frontend to a binary (btsco) which connected to alsa’s snd-bt-sco to connect to a Bluetooth headset.

With Hardy, btsco is now officially deprecated upstream and alsa’s own implementation of it is to be preferred. To have my Logitech headset to work with Ubuntu, all I had to do was to create a .asoundrc file in my home directory with the following content :

pcm.bluetooth {
type bluetooth
device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
profile "headset"

Then put my headset into pairing mode and start a software (twinkle in my case) and select the Bluetooth soundcard in the settings. I hope that we’ll soon have a way to do that graphically (ideally through the gnome-bluetooth applet).

I won’t continue working on gbtsco as it doesn’t have much work to do now and I don’t myself have the time to make it work with .asoundrc. I do really hope to see an upstream effort in implementing that in gnome-bluetooth or any other easy to use configuration tool.

Posted in gbtsco, Planet Ubuntu | 5 Comments